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Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Why Network?

(2m 54s)

Build Meaningful Connections

(2m 57s)

Principles of Networking

(2m 16s)

Pop quiz:

Name three reasons why

having a network is important.

Branding Yourself Through

Social Media

(4m 07s)

How To Stand Out

(2m 43s)

Expand Your Professional

Network Strategically

(2m 21s)

Understanding the Goal:

Building Relationship Capital

(1m 24s)

Leverage LinkedIn

(1m 32s)

Develop Influential Relationships

(3m 49s)


Join a LinkedIn Group relevant

to your career, create a post,

and respond to comments.

Building Your Network

(2m 40s)


Relationship Development

(4m 37s)

Identifying a Mentor

(3m 59s)

How to Ask Someone

To Be Your Mentor

(3m 08s)

Mentor and Be Mentored

(3m 34s)

Getting the Most From Your

Mentoring Relationship

(1m 04s)


Begin making a list of your

requirements for a mentor.

What Is Sponsorship?

(4m 18s)

The Difference Between

a Sponsor and a Mentor

(3m 22s)

Successful Approaches

for Protégés

(11m 44s)

Pop quiz:

What is a sponsorship?

How To Leverage

Your Sponsor’s Influence

(2m 38s)


Next month, commit to

completing The Ultimate Guide to

Professional Networking.

Unlock the power of professional networking

Discover how to identify allies and establish professional networks that can help you move

your career forward. Don’t worry if you miss a day — you can always catch up tomorrow.